Owning your Shine!

Owning your Shine!

Owning your Shine:

Have you had moments that you withdrew yourself, knowing you were capable of more, but it felt safer to deflect any attention from you?  Do you hold back for fear that you may offend someone or upset someone if too much positive attention is being given to you? Does a level of success or achievement scare you as then you would no longer blend in? Do you often sense that there is a happier, healthier, more abundance version of yourself that is waiting for you to uncover her/him but you’re afraid of the risk required to tap into that version of you? Do you find yourself being an observer or deflecting opportunities to truly participate and show your gifts in this world? At some point or another, we all may have felt this way and we held ourselves back from sharing our spirit and beauty to the world. Our thoughts often get in the way of us truly accepting and sharing our natural born given gifts.

No matter what stage you are in life or how many times this seems to happen to you, below are a few tips on owning your shine.

  • Be all in! Commit to giving 100% in each moment you’re in.
  • Stop caring what others think! Let go of seeking other’s approval for validation.
  • Believe in yourself. Be your #1 fan! You got this!
  • Celebrate you and what is working. Recognize and embrace the good.
  • Don’t relive your past. Your past is there to only learn from. Break away from an old version of yourself. Live in who you are today and where you’re going.
  • Self-discovery! Be driven by the curiosity to find out how good, good can get!
  • Be Fearless! Everything is scary until you do it.
  • Live in your self-worth. Eat, breath, live in your value!
  • Check in with yourself. Really check into your gut and emotions for an internal status check, do you feel fully engaged in what you’re doing or just going through the motions? Use your gut as a navigation tool to guide you on when you may be holding back.
  • Use your fear & hesitation as ignition. Fear and hesitation are reactions to when opportunities present themselves to you. Recognize these opportunities as invitations to share your gifts and beauty.

You may have heard the saying, “this is not a practice life,” ask yourself what does that evoke within you? What gifts lay within you that you’re withholding due to your beliefs telling you it’s unsafe to share?  There will always be enough attention, money, praise, rewards, fulfillment, love for everyone to receive.  Accepting our talents and true potential may feel scary, and if it does, start small but start today.  Think less, and act more, listen within to what fulfills you and challenge & rewrite any belief that is getting in the way of experiencing that.  Do yourself and the world a favor and give freely your inner beauty, divine gifts, your unique sparkle that only you have. Nobody laughs like you, nobody has your talents, nobody has your history, we are all unique to each other. It’s our greatest strength as a community to be able to celebrate and learn from each other.  

Live fully in your Shine!

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