Create a Vibe!

Create a Vibe!

This is your experience, create a vibe.

What vibration are you living in? 

Every moment of everyday you’re living within an experience that your energy has created.

And an important question to ask yourself is, are you creating a vibe that matches the experience you want?

This lifetime is YOUR experience, trust that this world is abundant and has all the resources to produce the experiences to match the vibration you align with.   

What experience do you want?

Do you want to experience life fast & full of movement? 

Do you want to be on the cutting edge of justice & change?

Do you want to live within your creativity and inspiration?

Do you want to explore, discover new and exciting things?

Do you want to heal and help the people & animals around you?

Or do you simply want to be in your garden all day?

Creating a vibe for your life is no different than aligning to what experience you want on a Saturday night.  A Saturday night is just a chunked down version of this.  On a random Saturday, you may want to experience a relaxing night at home, so you set the vibe by turning down the lights, running a bath, ordering in food, maybe turn on a movie or listen to relaxing music, you are fully immersed in creating the vibe for the experience you want. Or maybe you just want to laugh and be social, so the vibration you set and align with will be very different, instead you’ll call your boo or friends and plan to do meet up & play upbeat music while you get ready.

It’s easy to give yourself permission to create the experience you want on a Saturday night as for most we treat the weekends as “our” time & we have the freedom to align to whichever vibe we want. 

But take that concept of “Saturday as my time” and widen it a bit, look at this life that you’re living, as a Saturday night within you soul’s timeline.   This whole lifetime is “your” time, you get to experience what you want.  It’s just a matter of listening and following what your inner guidance wants and creating and aligning to a vibration that matches that experience.  

You have the freewill to follow what resonates with your soul this is your experience…create a vibe!

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